No one is immune to the twin ravages
of fear & failure.
How are you protecting your top performers?
How are you bringing everybody else up to their level?
Let Rich bring your company the Win Anyway!
culture of victory, celebration, and excellence –
defeat fear & failure forever!
Rich believes in the ‘WinAnyway! Life’ — Winning Anyway, Leading Anyway, Speaking Anyway — and more. He brings his audiences to both tears and laughter — teaching them through his own experiences as a father of six, an elective amputee, and more than 30 years in sales and marketing. His competitive streak is evident in his professional and personal life – being forever documented in SPEAK: The Movie.
He’s spent over 20 years in front of audiences of every size, from one-on-one to groups of 500+, sharing motivational stories, leading sales presentations, and coaching award-winning – and audience winning – speakers. No matter your audience age or background — including private companies, entrepreneurs, or students — learning to Win Anyway will be crucial to their success — and yours!

most requested TOPICS
Win Anyway!
The world is determined to classify you as a winner or a loser, battering your self-esteem, sapping your determination, and filling you with enough doubt to stop you in your tracks. In this simultaneously heartwarming and hilarious keynote, Rich guides you through his process of Winning Anyway – ensuring you’ll free yourself from judgment, fear, and failure forever. (Ideal for Sales People, Call Center Personnel, and Company-Wide Recognition Events.)
Lead Anyway!
There’s no such thing as a ‘born leader’. This energetic, humorous, and interactive message digs deep into the creation of leaders in the workplace, and how they can both grow their own skills, and spread them exponentially through those they are charged to lead. (Geared to Management at All Levels, Ideal for Transitional Events.)
Breakouts Available
We all have a message that the world needs to hear – but we don’t always know what it is, much less how to create it, present it, or actually make money sharing it. By the end of this session, your members will be well on their way to Discovering, Developing, and Delivering that message with Confidence, Humor, and Impact.
Criticism is about yesterday, Evaluation is about tomorrow. This session will boldly discuss how to avoid nightmarish results from official employee reviews, sales meetings, and simple random hallway encounters, by highlighting the best practices for constructive and edifying performance analysis.
what audiences say…
“Rich’s message on leadership was inspirational. I have already noticed an effective change in attitude to actually ‘lead’ those they supervise, and not just ‘manage.’ I am personally integrating the ideas he taught to build a better working environment for all of us!”
Roger Rife
VP / Regional Operations Manager
Countrywide Home Loans
“…a speaker with strong themes and an entertaining style. Any audience could benefit from his experiences, ideas, and enthusiasm!”
Barb Bunkers
Human Resources
Principal Financial Group
“Many people were surprised at the unique approach to goal setting you presented, and were happy to hear a fresh perspective! Excellent presentation!”
Cheleena Frye, President
National Association of Professional
Mortgage Women – Spokane
“You provided a wonderful conclusion to our seminar and pulled everything together. We received very positive feedback and comments from faculty and students.”
Doris Moritz
Spokane Community College